Commission-Free large/mid-cap trading

I don’t usually do promotional posts but I thought I would send this as I genuinely think it is a great deal for some of you – and I hadn’t heard of it.  If I had I would have moved money to avoid paying comission on some of the recent large cap investments I have made (CMCX / JUST).

If you sign up via the link below you (and I) get a free stock worth up to 100 GBP, 100 CHF or 100 EUR.  If you are smart set up your account in GBP – as 100 GBP is worth more than 100 CHF / EUR.  They will give you the stock even if you only put in £1! I have done this so confirm it works.

Trading 212 doesnt charge any comission for trades. You can set up an ISA via them too – so you won’t pay CGT/ tax on dividends.

Link is here:

Apparently they have been going since September 2018 (  But I just heard.  I will be switching a portion of my funds when I next find a large cap I want to invest in.

This isn’t financial advice. I use multiple banks / brokers to reduce the risk that any one going down will cost me too much, you should too!

I promise not to make a habit of this sort of post. On the other hand some of you will pay lots in comission / may want to give me something for all my hard work on this over the years!

FCA details are here – its legit:


Link again. – give it a try, nothing to lose!

Enjoy – let me know in the comments when you get your free share.


Exiting IIP – out of Patience -27% / +10%

Exited the last of my IPP – at a small loss of -27% vs when I posted or +10% on my actual position (I sold a bit when it spiked up).

I have lost patience in the refinancing – which has been going on for over a year now.  I am concerned there is some problem we are not being told about – and without a refinancing this is pretty much dead.  I don’t have any evidence for anything – but when things drag on and on eventually even my patience runs out.

Best of luck to those who hold.

JUST retirement Group – an idea whose time has come?

Bought into Just retirement group at about 92p a week or so ago. Again, a small position due to volatility, this is 2.5% of my portfolio.  I delayed posting this as I wanted to avoid moving the price up and wanted to try and pick some more up at a lower price – but as it is now 100p that isn’t happening any time soon.

This is a life assurer with a 911m market cap trading at a price to book of around 0.5.  It has a yield of about 3.4% and a forecast PE of around 5.4. In summary, it is cheap.

You can also buy for free if you sign up via the link here.

Continue reading “JUST retirement Group – an idea whose time has come?”

Selling PVCS +13% (vs initial post)

I am selling out of PVCS which I entered at 21.68 at 24.5.  I already exited half at a 7% loss.  This half I am exiting at a 13% profit. (+3% overall – so poor)

I am concerned returning the cash is taking too long and that they will try to invest it rather than return it – which is what lots of the value investors in this want.

Note they said on 15th March:

“Following receipt of the funds from the arbitration award mentioned above, the Group is expected to have a substantial net cash position. In the light of this the board intends to explore options for the future of the Company in order to maximise shareholder value. These may include a cash return to shareholders, the acquisition of an existing business or a combination of these alternatives.”

They have had ample cash for quite a while now – if they wanted to return it they could have.

So I am out here.  Best of luck to holders.

CMC Markets – Cheap opportunity ?

I have bought into this at 105 the other day, only 2.5% portfolio weight, trading small given volatility, should possibly be in for more.

CMC Markets is a Spreadbetting / CFD firm, basically a brokerage. In the UK this has some advantages, no stamp duty (0.5% acquisition price) and no Capital Gains Tax (CGT). The inland revenue allows spreadbetting to be tax-free as it is classed as gambling and most lose. I think its good value at the current price as the balance sheet is very strong, relative to the market cap and the regulatory risk which has caused the fall in the share price is mostly priced in.

You can buy this for zero comission via the broker on this link.

Continue reading “CMC Markets – Cheap opportunity ?”